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Эльвира Набиуллина
Эльвира Сахипзадовна Набиуллина — российский государственный и политический деятель. Председатель Центрального банка Российской Федерации с 24 июня 2013 года. Заслуженный экономист России. Действительный государственный советник Российской Федерации 1 класса (2002).
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Trading RSI Divergences LIKE A BOSS (I may have failed you)

Сейчас читают: 652

I'm not going to lie. There is WAYYY too much technical stuff to type up in this for you guys. its best if you watch the video.

Always Always Always ask questions below. I am always more than happy to show you what's what. This is some UPPER LEVEL STUFF in this video and i know a lot of you won't fully understand it but i want you to understand what it is that you DON'T KNOW about.

Unless you know these things, you won't know what questions to ask about. So here we go. Let's get into it. Trading the RSI Divergence like a BOSS After the RSI Divergence is found: On the chart: (KEYS) 1 = last HH 2 = current HH 3 = 1st HH Closing Price 4 = Confirmation of candle closing BELOW 1HH close price 5 = Find your targets 6 = Pinpoint any target with multiple confirmations Steps to take: 1.

See last Highest High 2. Draw a line across the last Highest High close price. 3. Confirm second HH is higher price but lower RSI value.

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